Who We Are

He who wants to get to the source must swim against the current.
                                                  Stanislaw Jerzy Lec.

Who We Are

We are a proud Greek company who creates unique products/services, eco-friendly, pet-friendly and we are big fan of cleanliness!

All of our products are patented (Patent or Industrial Design) and mady in Greece, by the best materials with love and care.

We started to collaborate with the Municipalities in Greece, which they embraced it and placed it in all their public areas in order to change the way of thinking, to reduce the use of plastic bag, to push the citizens to do their duty, to teach the small ages to collect their pets excrement's by an intact and healthy way.

Up to 120 Municipalities in Greece (among them Athens, Piraeus, Paros island, Crete, Peloponnese), realized the necessity, the utility, the eco friendly and communicative features of it.

We are honored to enhance our collaboration with our precious clients in new products/designs especially made for their needs.

In 2021 a new brand "Feederini", created for our clients needs. It is a feeder (water & food) for pets and stray pets. 

In 2022 our latest brand "Catoikia". the name says it all! A unique two floor house for cats.

What We Do

Our team consists of the elite of professionals. 

From A to Z, from the delivery, placement, presentation and checking, our team is working 7 days/week to deliver you the best result.

What is NOKAKA

"NO KAKA" is a Greek and global patent, an easy disposable system consisting of a cardboard shovel with the cover, which also functions as a scrubber.

The user with a wiping closes the impurities in the shovel and seals it. The main material is by a recycled and recyclable cardboard (odule).

It is 100% ECO, biodegradable with an intact way everybody collects the pet excrement which is the most "annoying" rubbish on streets.

By a pleasant, intact and elegant way, the dog owner, using this system daily, will make his duty towards himself, his fellowman and, of course, to the environment. "NO KAKA" is a whole service, not just a product. 

We started to collaborate with the Municipalities in Greece, which they embraced it and placed it in all their public areas in order to change the way of thinking, to reduce the use of plastic bag, to push the citizens to do their duty, to teach the small ages to collect their pets excrement's by an intact and healthy way.

The COVID conjuncture made people to pay more attention about their health and "NOKAKA" works as a shield for peoples health and protects the environment.

Up to 120 Municipalities in Greece (among them Athens, Piraeus, Paros island, Crete, Peloponnese), realized the necessity, the utility, the eco friendly and communicative features of it. 

"NO KAKA" is a  Greek-World Patent Invention used for canine waste collection.

An exceptional service that offers a very clever, original, civilized and eco-friendly solution to the problem of collecting dog poop and can put an end to this community problem.

This unique, disposable cardboard shovel with a scoop made from 100% recycled paper, makes the intact collection of poop easy for our four-legged companions, following the European and World Disposal Guidelines to entirely prevent the use of plastic!

We are proudly encouraging the world use of 100% eco-friendly disposable products! No need to "feel" the canine waste anymore! Using "NO KAKA" prevents the direct contact with the waste and that awful feeling of plastic bag!

Using "NO KAKA" our lawns, streets, squares and parks will be kept clean and healthy and our beloved pets will be loved even more!

We say NO to plastic! We use 100% recycled paper and collect the waste of our dog with the smart shovel "NO KAKA" to have NATURE, ROADS & HANDS CLEAN!

"NO KAKA" is the only fun solution to the Canine Waste Problem!

In Greece more than 30 Municipalities already trust "No Kaka". The use of "No Kaka" diminished approximately 70% of the canine waste pollution in the streets and the parks of each town.Everyday more City Councils order "No Kaka" for their community or try to enrich the "No Kaka" network of their cities.

 We are proudly encouraging the world use of 100% eco-friendly disposable products! No need to "feel" the canine waste anymore! Using "NO KAKA" prevents the direct contact with the waste and that awful feeling of plastic bag!


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"NO KAKA" is an International Patent for dog and pet owners in general. An innovation in the field of environmental hygiene, both human and animal.

The necessity of a product that would change the way of collecting canine poop and other waste prompted us to create this unique poop collection disposable. 

NO KAKA encourages every dog ​​and pet owner, to pick up what most people have avoided so far. Why? Because it provides a much more easy, touch-less, eco-friendly and fun way to do so!

"NO KAKA" is a very simple and easy to use recyclable paper disposable system. It is functional, lightweight, easy to transport and the user will pick up the waste without having to get in direct touch with it. 

"NO KAKA" is the perfect solution! In a pleasant, intact and elegant way, the dog owner, using this system daily, will now do his duty, to his fellow citizens and, of course, to the environment.Public spaces (parks, squares, etc.), streets and all those that do not have a pet, will no longer come in contact with an unhealthy and unpleasant sight.

"NO KAKA" constitutes a relief for the pet owners (why continue to pay fines?), public health and the environment.

With few very simple steps"NO KAKA" is ready in just 3''!

Kids love it! Putting together "No Kaka" is like a game for them!